an online retreat for single christian women! CHALLENGE STARTS ON AUGUST 22nd 2023!








walk by faith<br />
A 3-Day Journey Towards Godly Relationships & Love</p>
<p>If you're a single Christian woman who wants to figure out the steps it takes to prepare and establish fulfilling relationships both romantically and spiritually, this free 3-day live online journey is for you!

map out your godly love journey in just 3 Days


Faith Foundations: building the groundwork for Godly love

On the first day of your journey, you will begin to understand first and foremost what you truly want and (more importantly!) what God wants for you in your single season so that you can have a clear sense of where you ultimately want to go when it comes to your relationship journey!


Nurturing faithful connections: overcoming challenges on your journey

Discover the relationship roadblocks that have stood in your way so that you can use this to build a new road with stepping stones that will help you move past what you were missing or ignoring in previous relationships (even if you don’t think it’s possible!) and into a new relationship mindset!


Love’s Compass: Guided by Faith on the path to lasting relationships

On the final day, you will have the clarity to know what the top action steps you would need to take to realign yourself in your single life as they prepare to meet Mr. Right using your faith as your compass so that you never have to wonder without a sense of direction again!

Hi, I’m Selina – Meet your Coach!

When it comes to helping Christian women navigate love, relationships, the single life and marriage while honoring God, no one does it better than me, Selina Almodovar.

A renowned Christian relationship 4x published author, coach of 10 years, blogger and Youtuber with other 650k views, and worldwide public speaker, I show women of faith how to successfully transform their love lives through trust in God.

As a Puerto Rican city girl, mother of 3 children, and Christian wife of 10 years, my faith-driven coaching skills and resources help enable my clients to connect with God on a deeper level all while they are living a Christian life full of love.

Having been on the journey myself, struggling with doubt, frustration, loneliness, and depression during my single season in my 20s to developing a personal relationship with God that ultimately lead to an intentional relationship with my husband, I now feel called to help single women receive the same transformation towards love for themself and their future family.

I know the way toward God’s best and I want to help you get there!

Map out your path toward deeper faith & intentional relationships in just 3-Days!

Embark on an adventure that will lead you to God’s best for yourself, your faith, and your love life!

Here’s What’s Included:



  •  3 LIVE Online teachings hosted by Selina Almodovar!
  • Post Teaching Q&A for all who attended the LIVE events!
  • 36-Page Downloadable Workbook (broken down into 3 mini-workbooks that you’ll receive each day!)
  • Each Mini-Workbook contains Journal prompts, daily teaching walkthroughs, prayer prompts, and specific self-awareness, relationship, and mapping handouts that you can complete during this 3-day event OR on your own!
  • A Private Facebook Community for guided support, accountability, and ongoing feedback throughout the duration of the LIVE event!
  • Access to enter drawings to win Dating and Prayer books by Selina Almodovar!

Day 1 Result: You’ll get clear vision of what your heart desires when it comes to love: Love from God and from a man. By reflecting on your personal journey, you’ll piece together the points that are crucial to guide your way.

What You’ll Get: Day 1 Workbook, 1-hour LIVE teaching with Q&A, Video walkthrough of the workbook self-guided handouts and prayer prompts, Private pop-up FB Community to engage with, support, ask questions, and walk through the journey together.




Lesson Layout

A follow-along guide to the lesson that will help you set your faith foundations.


Relationship Reflections

Detailing your past, present, and future experiences on all things love.


Desire to Love Prayer Prompt

A guided prayer that you can complete to create a personalized prayer for your love life journey.

Day 2 Result: You’ll understand why relationships never worked out before. You’ll see what’s been missing in your relationship with God. And you’ll spot the paths that connect it all.

What You’ll Get: Day 2 Workbook, 1-hour LIVE teaching with Q&A, Video walkthrough of the workbook self-guided handouts and prayer prompts, Private pop-up FB Community to engage with, support, ask questions, and walk through the journey together.


WHAT the workbook covers:


Recap & Lesson 2 Layout

A review plus a guided lesson through nurturing your connections.


Roadblock Journal Prompts

Prompts that allow you to get vulnerable about what has kept you stuck.


Stepping Stones & Breaking Boulders

Determine what is in your control and what is beyond your control.

Day 3 Result: You’ll have a full map (which you have created through the guidance of God, your desires, and lessons from the past!) that will lead you toward your desired love life outcomes. It will show you the directions and steps you must take in order to reach your destination.

What You’ll Get: Day 3 Workbook, 1-hour LIVE teaching with Q&A, Video walkthrough of the workbook self-guided handouts and prayer prompts, Private pop-up FB Community to engage with, support, ask questions, and walk through the journey together.


WHAT the workbook covers:


Recap & Lesson 3 Layout

A review plus a guided lesson through navigating love’s compass.


Roadmap Godly Love

Completing your journey with a map you can personally use.


Steps to Walking By Faith

Placing your journey into actionable, faith-filled steps that you can begin to take towards finding love.








Embark on an adventure that will lead you to God’s best for yourself, your faith, and your love life!

Frequently asked questions

Q: Who is this journey for?

A: This 3-day journey is designed for Christian single women seeking guidance and support in developing and nurturing healthy, spiritual relationships with God and in their romantic lives.

Q: Who is this journey not for?

A: This 3-day journey may not be suitable for individuals who do not identify as a Christian, a woman, or single, or who are not interested in exploring the intersection of faith and romantic relationships.

Q: What will I learn?

A: Women who sign up for the 3-day journey will learn practical strategies, insights, and guidance to cultivate deeper connections with God and develop healthy, faith-aligned romantic relationships.

Q: Where will the journey be hosted?

A: The 3-day journey will be hosted on a Zoom meeting that will be livestreamed in a private Facebook Group that will be made available to everyone who joins. 

Q: What’s all included?

A: Anyone who signs up for the Walk By Faith 3-day journey will have access to a private Facebook group, 3 days of live teachings, followed by Q&A, and a compilation of 3 workbooks offering guided lessons, resources, and post-challenge materials to help achieve their journey goals.

Q: Is it really for free?

A: Yes! Everything in my life has gotten better (e.g. my love life, my self-worth, my peace, my romantic relationship, AND every other relationship!) since finding a godly love and building a godly relationship. And I want that for you too! I want every Christian woman to be able to experience this faith, and joy, and love.

Q: How does the challenge work?

A: You will sign up for the journey above. From there, you will receive access to join the private Facebook group and a link to download the journey workbooks. Once the journey begins, you will receive email updates on when I will go LIVE to teach each lesson. The Facebook group community will be open throughout the challenge to offer support, encouragement, engagement, answers, and accountability.

Q: Do I have to attend all three days?

A: While this journey can run into some scheduling conflicts, it’s best to attend all three days to get the most out of this experience. However, there will be replays offered if you cannot attend. 




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