FOR JUST $7 a month!

Stop using modern dating & self-awareness tactics! Instead…


7 Day Refund Guarantee


You are tired of…


Feeling stuck in your singleness...


Feeling anxious when stepping out into the dating scene... and hopeless after seeing what guys are in the dating scene...


Not knowing how to just be content with where God has you and the pace of His plans...


Feeling lost when it comes to your love life (even though you're faithful in God's promises...)

Now you’re looking for a better way to build up your faith while also trusting God during your season of singleness!

You want to be fully prepared to start dating again to find deep, meaningful love so…

YOU BEGIN Working on yourself to stay “happy” in your singleness...

But that route keeps you stuck. Becoming self-aware won’t give you any clues about love and how to prepare yourself for future love to enter your life. While you may feel satisfied with your progress, it does nothing for your love life. So, you…

Consider creating multiple dating profiles on Christian dating sites...

But you aren’t finding your specific type. Not meeting the high-quality men of God that you have your heart set on dating leaves you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and sort of questioning God and this whole love process. Which leads you to…

Surround yourself with prayer & ALONE TIME WITH GOD...

But you don’t really know how to get close enough to God to trust Him enough with His timing & plans for your love life. Let alone His purpose for why you’ve been single all of this time. Not knowing how to grow close in your current season leaves you feeling defeated and discouraged.

Let me show you that it’s possible


My dating and prayer books have pointed women in the direction of working on their faith FIRST (verses modern dating tactics!) for OVER SEVEN YEARS and it has lead to changed hearts, mindsets, AND relationship outcomes…

But I knew there was more that needed to be offered…

I began to send weekly devotionals, and offered coaching services to women who needed more guidance within their love life from a faith-based perspective!



No matter what, I always redirect your love life back to God! Because God always shows up (you just needed to understand how!!)

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Sidenote: Hey! I’m Selina!

Like you, I was struggling to find peace and contentment in my singleness…

When I ended a long-term relationship in college, I really struggled to date again and find someone who was worth dating and loving. Even when I was “holding it down” for a man and proving my worth as a wifey-type woman, the relationship tips I was using didn’t feel right…

Once my last long-term relationship ended (aka, he dumped me!) I decided to trust God with my love life. I prayed, “I trust You!” and decided to give God the wheel.

Even then, I still felt stuck.

I felt like no matter how much I was working on me and doing all of the things I thought I was supposed to do that I would never find a way out of my singleness. I felt lost, confused, and honestly a bit upset with God…

but then…

I started dating again believing that my faith was strong enough to honor God while getting a move on from my last breakup. My gut told me not to do it but I still felt like time was slipping away and that I should listen to the biological time clock that was slowing ticking inside of me.

my heart broke again!

I continued to attract guys who were not about that God-honoring love life. 

Spending a lot of time alone as a single woman seemed like the only way to allow God to lead and take the reigns on finding love. Not doable as a single Christian who desperately wanted to stop wandering in the wilderness and move into the Promised Land of love and companionship.😭

So I tried…


Hiring a Life Coach to help me sort out my inner issues (but man, that was a lot of money to become self-aware and still remain single and completely clueless about love!)


Going out and connecting with multiple guys who could fit my expectations (but all of them were playing the "Christian" role and none of them were serious about honoring God.)


Staying home alone and praying that God would figure it out for me (and that actually worked but it was a "hit or miss" experience since I had no idea how to truly connect with God!)

I told myself:

There must be an easier way to do this and make this work, even if the relationship I had to focus on first is with God and not with a man!

And that’s when it hit me!

Living single by faith would

be the very best way to tackle this!

And this time, I finally started to see the results I’d been working for so hard:


Focusing on strengthening my prayer, worship, and fasting experience gained me confidence to know when and how to move about in my love life saving my heart from future breakups with duds.


Understanding my relationship with God taught me the concepts of love, relationships, and how to build the ideal relationship with my future husband.


Working on my attitude towards God's timing shifted my mindset to trust more on God's plan and rely less on my own.


Creating a deeper connection with God and myself helped me discern dates, men, and ultimately move forward with the right relationship without wasting my time.


Cultivating a life where I could see God's blessings consistently helped me to see my singleness as a blessing and not a curse!


Building my trust in God's plan lead me straight to marriage within two years of finding my husband and helped us plan a completely effortless wedding!

The best thing?

I am now happily married and am flowing in the plans God has set out for me with a strong, healthy mindset, total security in myself and His timing, and the faith to back it up!

Learning how to be single by faith requires deep heart, mind and spiritual transformation which can lead you to God’s best within one season!

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps


RENEW your Relationship with God and take it to a deeper level

  • Learn how to pray, get to know and trust God deeper
  • Develop a worship lifestyle that draws you closer to God
  • Gain the confidence to follow God’s lead

REDESIGN your love life based on what God has shown you

  • Begin to live your ideal godly wife lifestyle NOW
  • Breakthrough your past pains to develop healthy boundaries and quality standards
  • Identify your version of a high-quality man of God

REDIRECT your love life experiences back to what God has already shown you

  • Develop the discernment and contentedness to remain single or pursue dating
  • Learn how to incorporate God into your new relationships and dating experiences
  • Determine when God tells you it’s time to develop a relationship or dump it

Welcome to…

the single by faith society

A monthly membership for single Christian women offering faith-based tools and a supportive community to prepare you for love.

7 Day Refund Guarantee


on the inside

What you’ll learn

Phase 1: Renew

Take your personal relationship with God to a deeper level.



Pray, Know, Trust, Confide

…so that you can let go of past hurts, traumas, and grow comfortable with personally knowing, leaning, and submitting to God’s leadership


Worship to Pursue

..using various forms of worship that speak to your unique passions and allow you express your whole self to creat a whole-hearted worship experience


Confidence to Go Deeper

…using fasting, Bible-study, and non-legalistic forms of relationship building to solidify your trust, hope, and assurance in God’s plan over your love life

Phase 2: Redesign

Redesign your love life based on what God has shown you.



Living Your Wife-Life

… using the desires God has already given you to create the lifestyle that will bring you peace, purpose, and love


Values, Boundaries, Expectations

… so that you know how to move forward with a high-quality man who’s worthy of your time and attention


High-Quality Man of God

…so that who you date reflects the qualities of God while also having the potential to progress toward a God-honoring relationship

Phase 3: Redirect

Redirect your love life experiences back to your faith and what God has already shown you.



"Waiting & Willing"

… using your God-given discernment to know when to wait and choose singleness or when to confidently step back into the dating scene


Incorporate God into New Relationship

… without compromising your relationship with God or scaring off your new love interest


Dump or Develop

… so that your heart stays guarded and in alignment with God’s plan for you to find the best love for your life

Get instant access to

All of these resources

Bonus #1

private inner circle fb community!


Connecting with other like-minded single women going through similar stages in their singleness!


Share testimonies, questions, or prayer requests in a supported community!


Gain accountability from others as you develop a stronger faith and mindset!


Receive motivation from a Christian Relationship Coach other women who desire the same love life outcomes as you!

Bonus #2

Pre & Post work that specifically focuses on mindset!


Use six additional tools, trainings, and resources to help you shift your mindset and attitude to get you in position to learn and take action within the Society!


Avoid self-sabotage, procrastination, and planting seeds of doubt before even getting started!


Ensure progress and continuing action afterwards with practical tools tailored to keeping you aligned with everything you learned within the Society!


I already bought so many things that hasn’t help me… why do I need the single by faith society?


This membership costs less than a couple of cups of coffee at Starbucks! But besides the coffee, this can potentially reset your faith and love life from frustration and mindless wandering to confidence and purpose-driven. Disciples are called to do life together… you need a community of other faith-driven single women to help you set your gaze and feet firmly in God and all that He has for you in THIS season!


9 On-demand video trainings = $997


Digital Resource Library containing over 15 Journals, Devotionals, Workbooks, and Planners for your faith growth and love life training = $275


BONUS #1: Pre & Post Mindset Work video trainings & digital resources = $582


BONUS #2: Inner Circle Private Online FB Community = $ 497

Total Value = $2,351

Today’s Price = Only $7

7 Day Refund Guarantee


This Membership is for

2 Types of single christian women

faith goals needs to be strengthened

You are a woman of God but your faith has been tested within your single season and you find yourself feeling weary, worried, or even frustrated at the timeline God has laid before you. The Society will help you strengthen your faith to do the inner work required to heal and recover from the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs of any past pains and will allow you to (re)develop the faith and focus you need to practically live Single By Faith.

Relationship Goals Needs To Be Strengthened

Whether you are new in your faith or you haven’t intentionally focused on your faith enough, aligning your faith values with your relationship goals is something that you want. This Society will introduce you to faith steps that will develop your personal relationship with God without overwhelming you or prompting you to take too much action too soon before you are spiritually ready. It will also use your faith walk to build up your goals, desires, and strategy towards finding real love.

Total Value = $2,351

Today’s Price = Only $7

7 Day Refund Guarantee

What members say

Testimonials from my Society sisters

Frequently asked questions

Q: I am a new Christian and I’m just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this can work for you. This will certainly help you strengthen your faith as you learn how to look for love.

Q: Can I wait and join later?

A: Yes you can! This offer will always be available so pray about it and join us when you see it’s a good fit. 

Q: How much support is included?

A: There is 24h written support included (Mon-Fri) which means that you will get all your questions answered within our members-only support group within 1-2 business days. (Weekends and holidays will be observed and all questions will be addressed upon return.)

Q: Can I cancel the membership?

A: Yes, you can cancel this membership any time.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our Society’s FB group within 24 hours.

Q: What’s the difference between the Single By Faith Self-Starter and the Single By Faith Discipleship?

A: The Single By Faith Society is currently divided into two parts: Self-Starter is a self-paced approach to work on your faith and love life with minimal hands-on interaction. The Discipleship tier is a self-paced approach that also provides group coaching, practical implementation, and a maximum hands-on experience!

Q: Does this only work for Christians?

A: Due to the teachings, nature, and beliefs of this model setup, this Society will only work for Christian women who believe in God as a triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Furthermore, the teachings provided in this Society are taught in a non-denominational format, pointing all faiths and practices toward a non-legalistic and spiritually-driven path toward finding love and excelling in relationships.

Q: I am not tech-savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don’t need to be good with tech or buy any software. You will, however, need to have access to Facebook in order to gain the full community experience!

Q: I don’t have my prayer life and Bible-study skills altogether yet. Is that a problem?

A: Nope. This society to going to empower you to develop a lifestyle where those things become strong, exciting, and a part of your natural lifestyle. Plus, all of the teachings will be broken down for all Christians at all levels can understand and apply them!

Q: Can I join this membership and then move to the next membership at a later date?

A: Absolutely! The Discipleship level will be offered throughout the year so if you are starting with the Self-Starter level and are interested in gaining more group support with LIVE weekly and monthly perks, then you can sign up to join the Discipleship level!

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: I’m so convinced that you will love the Single By Faith Discipleship and the relationship you start building with yourself and God right from day one that I am backing this with a 7-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee!

Hop in the group, check it out for seven days and if it doesn’t feel like a right fit for you, simply email SUPPORT at: SUPPORT@SINGLEBYFAITH.COM and I will refund your money. After seven days, you can cancel at any time.

This is a monthly membership and you can also cancel at any time. Your membership will end at the end of its billing period.




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